Rashmi & Vishesh’s wedding was a grand affair that lasted three days. The main event, seen represented here, was their stunning Indian wedding at Casa Real at Ruby Hill Winery in Pleasanton, California. Rashmi & Vishesh started dating in high school and have already been together for about ten years, so theirs was a celebration every single family member and guest was ready to participate in. When I was with them I had the pleasure of witnessing the very sweet and caring connection they share. Vishesh brings a steady calm to meet Rashmi’s vivacious energy. I absolutely adore Rashmi’s contagious laugh! You can see her giggling with Vishesh in some of my favorite photos of the two of them.
Rashmi put in a lot of work and care into planning their grand celebration and even went on a month-long trip to India so she could shop for the big day. She wore red like a traditional Indian bride. I particularly love the intricate pattern of her dress, her bold gold jewelry, and the gorgeous henna designs on her hands. There were tons of flowers at the wedding which were nothing short of spectacular — just look at the flower chandelier hanging from the ceiling at their reception.
After having a private first look for the two of them, Vishesh made his grand entrance on a horse with a procession of friends and family singing and dancing as they led him to the entrance of the venue. It rained that morning, but that didn’t stop the celebration. The couple got married indoors under a colorful flower-bedecked mandaap, an Indian wedding altar. The night ended with a huge dance party that was truly a celebration.
Enjoy the photos and check out a list of their talented vendors below.
Rashmi & Vishesh had an amazing wedding celebration with the help of these vendors:
Venue: Casa Real | Planner: Events by Satra | Caterer: Madhuban | Florist: Nicole Ha Designs | DJ: Kapil Sharma | Lighting: Fantasy Sound | Baraat Horse: Vintage Carriage | Hair/Makeup: Brides by Amy | Rentals: Pleasanton Rentals | Mandaap: Bazaar of India Imports | Tree Lighting: The Window Washer Videography: Lumitone | Photography: Manali Anne Photography