Wow, what a year, huh? …And it’s still going. This is the year of a thousand unexpected things for all of us; a lot of difficulties combined with rough realities and with perhaps a couple of silver linings. We’re all going through it, and “it” has looked different for each of us. For those who got engaged in 2019 and had planned a 2020 wedding, it has upended their plans. All of my couples who had booked me for a 2020 wedding before the pandemic hit, postponed their weddings. It has been very difficult for them, and my heart goes out to each and every couple who has had to put their plans on hold. It’s been difficult for me too. Once my work was indefinitely put on hold, I came to realize that I get a lot of my social needs met by the personal and celebratory social nature of my work. I miss my couples getting caught up in the madness of their joyful celebrations.
So what a treat when Lia & Chris told me that though they were, unfortunately, going to have to postpone their big wedding celebration, they were still going to get married. Coronavirus, be damned! It didn’t stop these two from exchanging vows in the woods. And here’s a secret– tiny elopements are the best! They really are as sweet and romantic as you would imagine. It’s just you and the person you’re crazy about, taking the time to be in tune with one another.
Even though Lia & Chris never originally planned to get married this way, I hope that they will view their elopement as a tiny, shiny silver lining. I witnessed two people who care deeply for one another share a beautiful private moment that they will certainly always cherish. I heard the start of Chris’s vows, and WOW. I was amazed by how he reflected on the current difficulties, as a reflection point to reaffirm his love and need for his beautiful bride in his life. I was blown away by the force of the love that these two share. Can’t wait for the big celebration next year!
Lia & Chris got married at Pearson Ranch in Woodside, CA. Please enjoy the photos!