Sometimes the best days are the ones where you’re at home with your partner just enjoying each other’s company. For their engagement session Chris & Abha invited me into their home to do just that with them on a recent afternoon and it was a lot of fun. They made cookies, Chris played a song on the guitar and they snuggled on the bed. We also visited their local park and admired all the cute dogs. Enjoy the giggles and good vibes with these two. See their San Francisco engagement session photos below.
[…] Scrolling down from there, if you’re wondering why Chris is poking Abha’s nose, I can tell you! There is an important part of the ceremony from the groom places red powder in the part of his bride’s hair to symbolize that she is now a married woman. The priest was giving Chris instructions on how to place to powder and specifically told him, “Don’t put it on her nose, put it on her part.” Well, of course, the temptation was too great, and a wide cheeky smiled bloomed on his face and he went for her nose, as well as the part of her hair. I just love how these two are so playful with another and it was cute to even see it come out during their ceremony. If you want to see more of them being totally silly together, check out their engagement photos here. […]